Ezine publishing is an established way to communicate with people on the web. It was, perhaps, the earliest communication medium in the history of Internet. People used to give valuable information through ezines and gathered subscribers over years. Still today, ezine publishing is a lucrative online business. Once you have a considerate number of subscribers, you can get lot of advertisements for your newsletter. And it also builds your brand name.
The conventional methods to bring subscribers to your newsletter are not that effective these days. So using new methods like using Web 2.0 to gather subscribers and giving valuable information is effective. You can bring traffic to your newsletter site in a number of ways:
Table of Contents
Opt-In Page
Through Opt-in page – The conventional method to bring traffic is to use an opt-in page laden with valuable information. The new way is to create a video of your newsletter and tell people what they will get by subscribing to your newsletter. The hints, tips and value info are a surefire attention grabber. Use a video on your opt-in page and give some cool bonuses just by entering name and email address. Also use some unique methods to tweak your opt-in page. Bring traffic through normal ways – forums, Adwords, yahoo overture, reviews on the blog.
RSS Feeds
Through RSS Feeds – RSS feeds are next to email marketing. Your content lands in the inbox of the subscribers. People prefer to subscribe to RSS feeds instead of giving out email addresses. So to make sure your newsletter is read by a considerate number of people, give your visitors a change to subscribe through RSS feeds. You can get advertisements if you have thousands of subscribers through RSS feeds.
Email Marketing
Through email marketing – The conventional communication medium, email marketing is still hot and building a large list of subscribers does pay off. So through Opt-in page, gather as many subscribers as you want. Apart from sending them your newsletter each week or each month, hold a cool contest by giving away exciting prizes which you can purchase cheaply on ebay. The contest should urge the subscribers to convince 10 of their friends to subscribe to your newsletter. This way, you will get a lot of subscribers in one week.
Alternatively, you can hold a big contest for other ezine publishers asking them to email their subscribers about your newsletter. This alone can give you more than enough traffic.
Article Marketing
Through article marketing – Article marketing is the most prominent medium for promoting brand names. You can get considerate amount of subscribers by consistently posting articles on EzineArticles, trcb, etc. In your author resource box, mention your newsletter name and ask people to subscribe to it to get more information about the particular topic. The trick is to write articles related to the niche you are serving through your newsletter.