It’s as important today as it was before the invention of ecommerce and the Internet. No matter what business you’re in, customer feedback is one of the most important things you’ll need to work out if you want your business to grow and become successful. To that end, the Internet has presented the online entrepreneur with a great advantage over his predecessor who could only rely on postage stamps, envelopes and the telephone to get an accurate feel for his customer. Today’s business owner has the use of technology that makes getting a feel for what the general consumer wants almost instantaneous with technologies like email and pay per click testing. There’s absolutely no reason in today’s world for the business minded go getter to design a static web site that’s got only what he or she thinks the customer wants on it.
Get Feedback
In the Internet world, getting the necessary feedback is fast and a lot cheaper than the methods used only several years ago. In virtually minutes, it’s possible to gather information from customers who bought from you-what it is they bought, and how much they spend, as well as whether they plan on coming back. This kind of data can be gathered and analyzed in house. There is no need to guess at what attracts customers to your site and what keeps them there. Almost all website hosting accounts include ways to track the statistics for your website such as which page is popular, how long they’re staying on your website, what they like or dislike and so much more.
There’s no reason not to build your site with the intention of adjusting at least the written content once you’ve got it online. Many web designers have the option of allowing you to change the content through an administration site as will. By following the visits to your site, you should be able to quickly adjust the written content to get a good idea of what works and what doesn’t.
Other methods combine the new technologies with older more traditional methods. “Was this information helpful?” boxes somewhere on various sites should give a clear indication of how the site works. Some of these even go a step further and ask respondents to number their responses from one to ten.
Remember that you’re trying to sell something when you start an online business. Following the trends, regardless of your personal opinions of them, can be a great way to keep your site on or near the top of the page rankings. For example, one of the latest trends is incorporating video into your websites. These short clips are on the cutting edge of what’s popular today and they add an even more personalized touch to the other graphics and sound bites available to web designers. These videos often introduce the principles in the company or demonstrate part of the product line.